Saturday, December 08, 2007

blowouts, delays and drunks, oh my...

so we had a fun night... as the case is with anything there was some adventure... keep in mind that this trip consisted of sidneys first train ride and NBA game... i think i saw sid go shy for the first time ever... as we were standing by the raptors entryway jose calderone came walking by and i urged sid to holler at him so i could get a picture with the two of them, but he clammed up... i have never seen that before and if you know or have met sid, you are surprised as well...

sid and i were sitting in nearly the back row of the fleet center a very outspoken gentleman came up behind us and began slurring what sounded like explitives... then he grabbed sid's shoulders and said "i love this @#*%*#@ seat... go blankity blank celtics go!!! beat the blankity blank raptors!!!" so sid being sid started a conversation with him... i heard it said from someone that sid makes the world a better place and this was perhaps another example whether it was going to make a difference or not... long story short, the owners of the seat showed up and the gentlemen left with much grumbling, swinging and cussing...

sid's poor raptors got blown out of the water... it was sad... they literally did not stand a chance... (2 best players were injured)

on sid's first return train trip back to portland, we were informed that it was delayed by one half of an hour resulting in our 2.5 hour train ride leaving boston at 11:40 instead of 11:10... late night to say the least...

all in all i would say that it was a fun day despite the (mis)adventures that we had...

Thank you Lord for your protection as we travelled!!!

Friday, December 07, 2007

On life support, but still barely tickin'...

The title is basically where my blog is. It is not dead, but active it is not either. Apparently the only time I am willing to post is when I visit my mother's place in Maine. Perhaps more visit's are in order. This post will be very simple because I am very tired and need to go to bed now. So here goes my amazing nugget of wisdom. I am very excited because I have Sidney with me and tommorrow we will be going to watch the Boston Celtics play against the Toronto Raptors in Boston. Needless to say I am stoked eh. (Authentic surfer and Canadian slang all in one sentence.) I am pumped because the last time I saw an NBA game was in Harbour Station and there was not a lot of effort displayed since it was a preseason game. So officially this is my 1st real NBA game where people should actually be trying. I am also mostly pumped because Sid's fave team is the Raptors and this is his 1st NBA game. Exciting times, exciting times. If I can figure it out there should be pics to come soon. Be blessed ya'll!!!