Wednesday, March 28, 2007

bit of a break...

okay, todays post will not be a day of praise, but who knows, maybe i will find a praise as i type this out... that type of stuff is kind of cool...

so todays post will be called "How Stephanie Fitzsimmons Tried to Kill Me."

due to my phenonmenal ability to gab i missed the boat off of white head today the first time so i had to spend another hour and a half at the school... didn't seem to bad until i offered to help stephanie with some of the odd jobs/spring cleaning she was doing in her class... the first job was to clean out two red bottles of paint so that we could put pink (steph's fave color) paint in them... so i did and as is the case most times when i play with paint, my hands ened up dirty... no prob i thought... then my next job to do was to sort through some construction paper and put them in very percise piles... yet as i was separating them i had to moisten my fingers so instintively i licked them... paint does not taste good incase anyone was wondering... now she claims that it was non-toxic, but i just wanted to say that if i do not post within the next week, kirk perry has the right to pronounce me... well you know what...

hopefully my next post i will be able to tell you all about the tournament this weekend and how we came in better than friggin' 4th place this year...



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scottie, why do you need to lick your fingers to separate paper I ask you? I have never understood why people do this. talk about spreading germs and opening oneself to diseases! it serves you right. sorry, no pity from me pal.