Thursday, March 01, 2007

40 Days of Praise: Day 27

Today's praise came in the form of an answer to yesterdays questions that i was having.

I had a meeting with an individual who wants me to work with a young person as a Big Brother type of role. The dilema for me is that instead of losing hours with Sid, I have gained hours. (some problem, eh?) So I have been wondering how I was ever going to fit a few extra hours in my schedule, but I am going to try. As our conversation concluded we were joking about how I am bouncing from place to place regarding work, Bible study, basketball, volleyball and other various activities and then she made a comment that God totally took and deposited into my innermost being. As we were leaving she off the cuff said, "you are needed here" regarding the busyness of working with special needs and possibly being a big brother, etc... Now I understand that what was said was said in jest, but it hit me in the heart. I am needed. Wow! I am not sure if that is more scary or encouraging, but man it felt good to hear.

God I thank You for Your word for me through this woman who may not have realized that she was giving it to me. I know that without you I am nothing, but with You there is purpose.

...and for the record, if you are reading this and are feeling useless and discouraged, God wants you to know that you are needed. He wants to take you, mold you and use you. Are you available? Think about it. God needs and wants to use you. Amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are you up tp now? View my Blog. Right now I am in MAINE.