Thursday, April 12, 2007

40 Days of Praise: Day 763

true story; hope the ending is not too predictable for some who hate that in true stories... (scott ings)

the other night was a really bad night in terms of sleeping... in other words it was just not happening... it has been a long time since i have had nightmares, but let's just say that the other night was being lam basted hard core with some freaky stuff in my sleep... after waking up around 3 or 4 times i finally clued in that it may be something bigger... so i rolled over and said perhaps the simplest prayer i have ever uttered... it went a little something like this " God, Ya gotta help me out here, I need sleep... Amen... "

here comes the predictable ending... i then rolled over again and that was it for the night until my alarm went off in the morning... Praise God... He is in there for the big and small... i love these reminders... So thank you God for protecting my mind and getting me back to sleep and keeping me there... You are so good...


Em Bass said...

I actually checked, and you started your 40 (40?) days of praise on Nov. 16 (or 17th...forget already, haha)
O well, I give you credit for trying

S. Ingalls said...

You know I had a similar experience a couple of weeks ago.
I had had several nights without sleep...which of course sucked. So one night I just prayed to go that I would get rest. And I did, I slept like 8 hours and when I woke up I felt rested. Not just like slept for 8 hours but REST!
I guess that old saying is true "come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and i will give you rest" Mt 12:28 funny how those sayings seem to work out???