Tuesday, December 02, 2008


So I suppose it is appropriate to say the typical "wow, it's been a while!" comment... There it was!

So this will be a super quick update as I need to work my way back into this whole blog thing again. As has happened to many, Facebook apparently has eaten my Blogger.

Here is my thought and I apologize to Kirk Perry for having a serious post, but that is how I roll this time.

So my mother has prayed for me many times regarding God restoring "what the locusts have taken away". I don't remember where that Scripture was referenced, but it has been something that I have been hoping for for a while. To make a long story short, I think I am beginning to see some part of that happening in my life.

This Christmas will be the first that I am going to be looking forward to in a long, long time. On Boxing Day I will be spending Christmas with my family, my son, and my girlfriend. God is clearly getting things in line for me during this season and though things are tough in other areas, I see how He is making things right when everything seemed to be going so wrong.

If you read this and can relate, hang in there. God is good!

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