Friday, May 13, 2005

What is on my mind???

Welcome to my site all... I have been browsing some of my old college mates websites and I did not realize how cool of a tool this is to keep in touch... So of course I had to jump on board... Plus I see all kinds of other parents online bragging about their kiddies and I just could not let that stand without my own bias opinion...
I really believe that accountability is something very important and this is a cool way to see how we are doing in Christ as well as encouraging each other as well... We all have adventures out there in our little grown up world called life... This is mine... Let's keep in touch shall we???


Judy said...

I'll come back often, to see what your family is up to!!

Mommy of Four said...

Hey, Scottie! Great blog! I was bummed to find that you had no pictures of your boys posted! I want to see these cuties!

Scottie said...

i will soon and by soon i mean as soon as i get a scanner and figure it out...

Scottie said...

and oh yeah that was a great game mark, but i gotta say that blades of steel kicked its butt...

Scottie said...

hey scott-wheels!!! yeah, you probably know who this is already! but if you don't (maybe your dumb) hehe, but yeah its BEAN! your favorite teen night person:) haha well I am getting bored of typing so im gonna go play b-ball...i will be back in the office in a few minutes:) bye bye scottie:)