Thursday, January 25, 2007

40 Days of Praise: Day 13

Man oh man, I am seriously flying here... I think this is my third post this week... Perhaps I am coming out of my little funk and getting thankful again... And to think that a couple of days ago I was going to put a "closed" sign on this blog and not do this blog thing anymore... I had a thought today that I want to share and then I will share my praise for today... I had the scripture in my head earlier and it has now left me, but it was about us humbling ourselves before God and this morning on my drive to work it hit me in a new light... This may not be new to all you scholars out there but for me it was a Eureka moment... God wants us to humble "ourselves" before Him... Now before you say Duh, let me explain why this is such a revelation to me... I think I always just assumed that being humbled meant that there would be humbling circumstances that would happen to me and that is how I would be humble... Now don't get me wrong, there have been plenty of those, but it occurred to me this morning that for us to humble ourselves before God was an intentional act for us to do... But here is my question: How do I/we in real, nuts and bolts life do this? I am sure that is is something that I should know by now, but can someone tell me what I am missing here?

And now on to my praise... I am thankful for and praise God for His love... Admittedly there have been a lot of times in life and as of late that I have questioned God's love for me, but thinking back to the last weekend that I was able to see my son, God reminds me of His love for me as I think of my love for my son...
As I was able to speak to a friend of my from my old church we talked about what a great illustration parenthood is of God's love for us... When my son hugs or kisses me, or when he says thank you daddy, the pride, excitement, and joy that wells up in me is overwhelming... Is this how God feels when we love on Him or express thankfulness to Him? According to His Word I am getting to the place where this is bit by bit becoming real to me... So although I do not always "feel" it I am thankful for God's love... Thanks Timmy, it does come back to that...

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