Monday, January 29, 2007

40 Days of Praise: Day 15

Today I think I have to give praise to God for music... It seems that whenever the enemy would attack me with discouragement, my desire to play my guitar or the churches piano or drums decreases greatly... Yet when I decide to "suck it up" and not let the enemy have the victory and play on, I have beautiful times with my Saviour... As of late God has been bringing me back to music and I have been much more disciplined in spending that personal time with Him and "He" shows how beautiful it is to have those intimate times again... this is so odd to me since i never touched a musical instrument before i my second year of college, but I suppose we never know what pleasant surprises God has for us... So there it is: Thank you Saviour for music and the ability that you've given me to use this gift for You... May I use it more and more as I long to be with You...

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