Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Now I realize that by the title alone this sounds like it will be a griping post, but it isn't totally... I am just exhausted and need closure...
on a positive note, I get to see my boys this Sunday which totally gets me fired up being that it has been another 2 months and Sunday is daddies day... woo fereaking hoo!!! Please pray... I really want a good time with my boys w/out conflict with my ex...
secondly, I am frustrated big time with something that I never thought I would have to face... I am interested in someone and the crappy part is that I cannot say a word to this person lest it be adultery... This is tough... Talk about feeling like I am gonna explode... heck yeah and it ain't the gas folks...
I am losing sleep and getting sick so if you are not already, please pray... And if you are... I need rest BIG TIME!!!!
now don't get me wrong, God is good and He is teaching me how to not live defeated for the most part (or when I listen... sheesh) but I am physically, emotionally, and mentally tired... I need closure and my life back... After a year and a half of chaos I am ready for a boring set scheduled kind of life again... BRING IT ON!!!

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