Monday, February 19, 2007

40 Days of Praise: Day 21

well here we are... we are now on the back 9 of the 40 Days of Praise... there was a while when i thought i would never get this far... but here we go...

todays note of praise goes to God for His transforming power... i shared a bit of this last night at church and i will touch on it a bit today... i am just amazed by God and His patience as we (I) go through this every day routine (or not routine) called life... honestly, i would have given up on me a long time ago, but God has not and despite the rough edges He still blesses and moves in me and through me... i love that though i may never understand it...

just a bit of my testimony: when my mother was pregnant and i was the one inside of her blessing her with my wonderful kicking skills God did something very significant... yes even more significant than having me brought into the world... hard to believe i know... well my mother was pregnant before she was married and i was concieved outside of the confines of marriage... now my mom was a woman who was serving the Lord so the guilt that she felt was tremendous... moving along... there was a night that she went to her church and there was a special evangelist there and he was known for his prophetic ministry... after ther service there was a call and because of the guilt my mother was glued to her seat... a bit later on this man approached my mother and the words he spoke rocked her (and apparently me) to the core... he said to her without ever meeting her, "Donna, do not be ashamed and do not be discouraged because inside of you is a baby boy who is going to win God's people to Him."

the funny thing about this testimony is that my mother never told me this part of her life until i was in my third year at bethany training to be a youth pastor... and to be honest there have been a lot of days when i have felt that i am not fulfilling that word very well, but it is good to know that God does have a purpose regardless of my foolishness at times...

so this is why i have changed my blog's name to "Grindstone"... God is and has been taking me through a process where He is transforming me by taking of some rough edges and to be honest in a lot of cases it has been painful... but ultimately it is good to get to a God centered perspective bit by bit... So:
I praise You God for Your Transforming Power. Mold me Lord.


Anonymous said...

you seem to be growing in your faith throughout this 40 days Scottie. Keep your chin up and your eyes on God and he will continue to work wonders in your life. Sorry, Im staying anonymous mwa ha ha. God Bless you Scottie.

Scottie said...

thank you...