i think i am having one of those times where God is "really" trying to get a message through my thick skull and i may be starting to get it... as of late this message has been shown to me through our young adult Bible study, my bill hybels book, rob bell's bullhorn sermon and just in the fact that it is so darn tough for me to naturally share God's love to those around me... could this be tough because sharing God's love does not require preaching at someone??? things that make you go hmmmmmmm...
where did we ever come up with the concept of getting in someones face and forcing stuff on them is the way to show God's love and change lives for the better... i know that whenever someone comes at me with a pushy, i know better than you attitude about anything i am automatically defensive... maybe this is why i have never bought a ginsu yet... or maybe i have not bought some ginsu knives yet because i fear that i would be tempted to cut my shoes in half...
funny how those of us who are Christ followers want so badly to share Christ with people, yet when we attempt to do it, we leave Christ out of it... actually not funny... probably one of the most sobering questions that i have had to ask myself lately has been "how many people have i pushed away from God by misrepresenting my Savior?" yuck, that is a gross question...
it is interesting i find that in this time when it seems that i have been separated from my closest friends that God would bring some of this revelation to me... it is amazing to me that when i get out of my comfort zone socially God opens up other natural opportunities to get to know others who are not yet serving Him...
and still i find myself in a rush... a door opens, i somewhat shyly walk through and then when the conversation begins my mind races to that sweet, sweet moment when we will all sing the last verse of "just as i am" and this person will give their life to the only one who "really" gives life and as my mind spins and races i have totally missed what this person says to me... perhaps this is why scripture says "be slow to speak and be quick to listen"... and all God's people said, "DUH!!!"
it is awesome when we begin to get past our selfish agendas and leave room for God to show Himself... "be still and know that I am God" now tells me that when i shut up and know that He is God I leave room for Him to show that He is God too...
so here is my underlying thought after all that: may we as God's people be quiet, slow down, get out of our comfy bubbles, and "really" love people... no, really...
* this star is here because i started with two stars and then three so i prequilled the pattern... i don't know... move on...
** and for the record, i know that there have been good times when i have loved people without forcing the Gospel uncomfortably, so this is not totally a scottie bashing rant... just some of the thoughts that i have been pondering lately...
*** it has been a while since i have given a shout out, but i want to give one today... ***
today's shout out goes to someone who i made it a point to try to avoid on the second Bama trip... due to strong personalities i did clash with this person, but i love how God is bigger than that... this person is someone who has totally challenged me to lose my ministry voice, get out of control and allow God to make me the man that He wants me to be... be real huh??? what a concept... this person's passion for reaching out and loving people has sparked a new love for people in me... (of course this is in corraletion with the Spirit's leading as well) this persons honesty and ability to say what is on their mind is very much appreciated despite the fact that at one point it was not... in case you have not figured it out yet, my shout out today goes to none other than Stephanie "not neves" Fitzsimmons... thank you teacher...